Confidential Counselling, Psychotherapy, Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy, and Sensorimotor Art Therapy in Hampton
Start the journey of Self-discovery to restore your true divine nature within. Experience freedom from anxiety, anger, depression, and addictions as you align yourself with the source of divine creation. Invest in your future by attaining clarity of mind.
I provide Contemporary Psychotherapy, Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Mentorship. Specialising in helping people to recover from traumatic life experiences, find relief from anxiety and depression, break free from addiction habits. To gain structure in your life.
When we are no longer able to change a situation we are challenged to face reality and discover our true, unconditioned essence within. If you could look beyond your ego structured mind what would you see?
Emotional healing is a journey of remembering who you truly are. It is through this remembering that we can make the connection to our essence, that is vital for our inner happiness and contentment. I hold a safe, non-judgemental and compassionate space for you to explore yourself and feel empowered to take responsibility and action for your authentic Self-descovering.

Shift mindset
When your coping skills fail you, having sense that you are feeling disconnected, your life gets constricted…
Allow space
Grief is a natural response to loss, you can experience all natural emotions from shock, anger to disbelief, and guilt…
Stress is often defined as a bodily response to the demands of life. It is not a conscious choice, it is a learned response…
Painful experiences leave a deep imprint on the nervous system, making it physiological rather than psychological…
make a choice
Addictions are learnt survival strategies, which means that it has special unconscious meaning and is too strong to handle…
Foster Growth
Not having relationship with our self we seek to fulfil that emptiness from partner, early childhood attachment issues…
Hypnotherapy can help to change your thinking and feeling process, by using the power of your unconscious mind…
Enlightened mind
Who are you underneath all the difficulties that you are facing ? By connecting to your higher-self, your awareness will expand…
“By not allowing our ego to blind us, we can open a window into higher consciousness, enabling us to meet our true unconditioned Self”